HorizonWeb Frequently Asked Questions

        How does HorizonWeb search?

HorizonWeb 4.2 onwards.

We have changed the search algorithm on HorizonWeb, to optimize the results returned to your customers.

Global options that affect searching

Single word searches

Searching for "pencil" will return a list of products that include the word pencil in the description. Therefore it will include results such as:

  • pencil – the search term
  • mechanical pencil – adjectives before the search term, such HB pencil
  • pencil eraser – adjectives after the search term, such as pencil sharpener, pencil eraser
  • pencils – HorizonWeb returns results on plurals

Multi-word searches

HorizonWeb uses AND logic for multi-word searches. All of the search terms will be included in the items returned. Searching for "HB pencil" will return:

  • HB Pencil – the search terms in the order they are entered;
  • Pencil HB – the search terms in any order;
  • Pencil Non-Stop HB – the search terms not adjacent to each other;
  • HB Pencils – plurals are searched for.

Other options that affect search

What will affect the order products appear in?


Selecting the keywords search feature will override all other search functionality.

Product priority

The product priority is looked at first. In Horizon, you set this by:

  1. Press F8 to open the Stock Card and if necessary, browse to the product. The Stock Card will open on the Detail tab.
  2. In the Options & Settings group, there is a Priority box. Type in a whole number, the higher the number, the higher the priority.
  3. Click Confirm.
It is recommended that you use a wide range of numbers, so that it is easier to insert a product into a new position. The allowed range is -32768 to 32767.

Browse Sort Order

Browse Sort Order is set from Setup / Web / Rules.

Natural Order

Products are then ordered by natural order. Every product is given a unique number (called a key) when the catalogue is imported into the Horizon database. The natural order for products is therefore the order that the products were created. The products created first will be higher in the search return.

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