HorizonWeb Online Support

How can I use the keywords search feature?

The keywords search in HorizonWeb is designed to give more control of what a customer sees when searching your site. To use this method of searching you must first set up keywords within Horizon. Keywords are created from keywords you have added to the stock card and creates keywords from the description in the catalogue.

You can set up keywords in two places:

  • Stock Card
    1. Press F8 to open the Stock Card and if necessary, browse to the product. The Stock Card will open on the Detail tab.
    2. Make sure that the Range and Group boxes are not blank.
    3. In the lower tab row, click the Notes tab, then the Keywords tab.
    4. Type the keywords you wish to associate with the product. More than one keyword can be typed, space separated. You cannot use quotation marks to group keywords.
    5. Click Confirm.
  • Product Ranges & Groups
    1. On the Setup menu, click Product Ranges & Groups. The Product Ranges window opens.
    2. Click Populate Keywords. A Confirm window opens warning that manually entered information will be overwritten. This will overwrite any keywords you set previously with Populate Keywords. It will not overwrite keywords entered on the Stock Card.
    3. Click Yes to continue.


Update Keywords is used to generate your keyword list which HorizonWeb can be configured to use. The keyword list generated is a combination of:

  • Keywords on range and group
  • Catalogue item code
  • Catalogue item description
  • Manufacturer code
  • Manufacturer description, and
  • Product keywords.

To generate your keyword list:

  1. Find the item on which you want to enter a keyword and identify the catalogue that it is in.
  2. Click Catalogues.
  3. Right-click a catalogue and, from the context-menu, click Modify.
  4. In the Options group select Use Keywords. Click OK.
  5. Repeat the above steps for each catalogue with which you want to use keywords.
  6. Click Update Keywords. A Confirm window opens, warning you that this is a long process. Click Yes to continue with the update.

Now that the keywords have been created in the database, the keyword search can be used online.

  1. Log into HorizonWeb's Administration Page.
  2. Click HorizonWeb Settings / Global Options / Search Options.
  3. Select Use Keywords Text Search, then click Save Settings.

Alternatively there is a 'Keywords Search' control that can be added to the site when using a user defined layout which is a single text box where the customer can enter either a code or text search. This control has been designed primarily for the header of the site but can be added to any section and styled appropriately using CSS.

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