HorizonWeb Online Support

        Ordering from call-off orders

HorizonWeb 4.2 and above.

Call-off orders are orders that have been invoiced, but are stored in your warehouse. Typically, this will be a pallet of the product e.g. paper, and the customer will ask a number of reams to be delivered each time. When your customers order from a call-off, they are requesting delivery of the next part of the order.

  1. To allow customer to order from call-offs, login as an administrator and click HorizonWeb settings / Global Options / Orders.
  2. Select the Use Call Off option, or the Automatically use Call Offs option. Click Save Settings. The message Settings Saved Successfully is shown.
  3. The customer will need to find the product. They can do this using:
  4. In the product description, the quantity available to call off is displayed. Your customer can:
    • Type a value into the Qty to Call Off box.
    • Click Call-off. A call-off line is added to the cart.
  5. From the Call-offs control, a list of products that a customer can call-off is displayed. This can be included in your design. Your customer can:
    • Type values into the Qty to Call Off boxes.
    • Click Call Off. Call-off lines will be added to the cart.
  6. Click the cart to view the product lines in the cart. Call-off lines will be shown with a price of POA (price on application) and will not add to the subtotal, because they have already been invoiced.
  7. The quantity available to call off will only decrease when the order is checked out.


The behaviour of call-offs was changed in HorizonWeb 4.2.

My customer reports that the quantity available to call off has not decreased after a call-off line is in the cart. Why?

The quantity to call off decreases when the customer completes checkout.

I have received an order for a call-off that has a zero total. Why?

Call-offs have already been invoiced. This order is a request for delivery.

My customer says that an order has been placed, but that the quantity to call off has not decreased.

It is likely that the order has been sent for authorization. The call-off quantity will not decrease until the authorizer completes check-out.

What happens if an order, containing a call-off line, is sent to be authorized, and another user then calls off a quantity which exceeds what is available?

The quantity to call off decreases when the customer completes checkout. The first order to checkout will decrease the quantity. The second order, whether it is an order waiting to be authorized, or a user returning to a saved order, may exceed the quantity. If it does, then it will have a price in the cart and will be part of the sub-total, because it has not been invoiced.

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