Horizon Online Support
What do the different Deal Scopes mean?
- Item Deal – The deal will only apply to the Item code selected in the contract
- Product Deal – The deal will apply to the Item code in the contact and the other items attached to the product
- Range Deal – The deal will apply to the items in the same range and catalogue as the code selected in the contract.
- Range and Group Deal - The deal will apply to the items in the same range, group and catalogue as the code selected in the contract.
- Catalogue Deal - The deal will apply to the items in the same catalogue as the code selected in the contract.
- Catalogue Supplier Matrix Deal - The deal will apply to the items in the same catalogue matrix as the code selected in the contract.
- Catalogue Supplier Colour Deal - The deal will apply to the items in the same catalogue colour code as the code selected in the contract.
- Always – The deal will always apply to all items.
- Product / Item Matrix – If Any Item linked to the Product has this Matrix
- Product / Item Catalogue - If Any Item linked to the Product has this Matrix
- Product / Item Colour - If Any Item linked to the Product has this Matrix
- Product / Item – Only if the product has this item linked to it (similar to product deal)
- Catalogue Matrix – Only for items in this catalogue with this Band
- Catalogue Colour – Only for items in this catalogue with this colour
- Product Brand - The deal will apply to the items in the same product brand as the code selected in the contract.
- Product Manufacturer - The deal will apply to the items in the same product manufacturer as the code selected in the contract..
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