Horizon Online Support

    Setting Up Email Headers

Horizon 4.2 onwards.

You have now got more flexibility setting up email in Horizon. You can style the emails using HTML to add your branding to the emails.

Configure Horizon to use a mail server

These are the email details Horizon will use to email directly out of Horizon.

  1. Click Setup > Company. The Setup Company window opens.
  2. Click the Settings tab > Email tab > Email Settings tab
  3. Type the following details:
    • SMTP – the address of the mail server used to send emails
    • Username (if required)
    • Password (if required)
  4. If the SMTP server requires a username and password, select Server Required Authentication.
  5. Click Confirm.

Set an email header and style the text

You can set up an email header to include, for instance, your company logo. You can also set the typeface used in the email. Both are set with some simple HTML code, the language used to write web pages.

  1. Click Setup > Company
  2. Click the Settings tab > Email tab > HTML Header tab
  3. Type your HTML code to define the email body styling.
  4. Click Confirm.

You can copy and paste the following example to start you off.


<!-- The email header is surrounded by head tags -->


<!-- You are not linking to an external stylesheet, so you must use an internal stylesheet within style tags -->

body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: medium;

It has:

  • A selector, body, which selects the part of the email you're styling
  • A declaration for the selector, surrounded by curly braces
  • Each declaration has properties, in this case font-family and font-size, followed by a colon
  • and a value followed by a semi-colon.

See w3schools for information about coding an internal stylesheet, or consult your web designer.

  • When an email is sent from Horizon, the text will be wrapped within <body></body> tags.
  • Images must be externally hosted, or embedded using base64.

Setting up a user email signature

A signature is added at the bottom of an email. In Horizon, each contact can have their own signature, allowing you to add personal points of contact to outgoing emails send directly from Horizon.

  1. Click Setup > Company.
  2. From the toolbar, click Contacts.
  3. Click the contact that needs a signature. It will be highlighted.
  4. Click the Signature tab.
  5. Type the HTML code in the lower box for the contact's email signature. The upper box is used for signatures on forms and will not affect emails.
  6. Click Confirm.
<p><strong>Renos Aresti</strong><br />
Support Team Leader &ndash; <a href="mailto:eu -support@ecisolutions.com?Subject=Emailing%20invoices" target="_top">eu- support@ecisolutions.com</a><br /><br />
<img src="http://www.eci.eu/img/ECI-logo.png" alt="ECi Software Solutions - We are industry experts supporting the entrepreneurial spirit and profitable growth of small and medium sized enterprises." height="35"><br /><br />
Newland House, Weaver Rd,<br />
Lincoln. LN6 3QN.
  • You do not need to use <body> tags. The signature is placed within the body tags.
  • This example is referencing an external image. You can embed an image using base64 encoding.

How to prevent access to the email settings section

  1. Click Setup > Company.
  2. Click the Logins tab.
  3. Click the user you want to edit.
  4. Click Define Security. The Access Details window opens.
  5. Click the Setup and Utils tab.
  6. Clear the Setup – Company option.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Confirm.

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