Horizon Online Support
How can I add a Sales Refund?
To add a Sales Receipt, goto the Sales Ledger daybook, click the button and choose SREC from the menu that pops up.
Click OK once you've highlighted SREC and pick the trader you are adding the receipt for, this will open the receipt screen.
On here you can enter a reference for the refund which will be used by you to identify it easily as well as a contact or department. You will also need to enter the information onto the payment
section at the footer of this screen, this will contain the amount of the receipt, the bank and nominal it is affecting along with the type of payment, cheque, BACS, Transfer etc. The next step is
to allocate the receipt against the entry.
To do this click the
button, this will open the allocations screen
from here you can allocate the receipt against another entry.
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