Horizon Online Support
How do I setup ordering with Antalis on Horizon?
To setup Horizon for Antalis you firstly need to obtain a catalogue and also your username and password from Antalis for their FTP Link.
Importing Antalis Catalogue
You will need to ensure the Antailis catalogue is imported onto your system before setting up the electronic ordering.
To import the catalogue into horizon please use the 'Antalis Catalogue Import (Main Catalogue Update)' Import Definition.
Running Import
1. Select the 'Antalis Catalogue Import (Main Catalogue Import)' import definition from the drop down list.
2. Select the 'Antalis' trader from the drop down list.
3. Select the 'Antalis Catalogue' that you're updating from the drop down list, If you don't currently have a catalogue on the system select 'New Catalogue' on the left hand side.
Please ensure that all three sections are filled in as they are required for import.
4. Fill in the Lookup field for VOW
5. Fill in the Lookup field for Spicer's
6. Click on the Search button and locate the Product File.
7. Click on Load Product File button.
8. Once you've clicked run the Progress tab is now displayed; once this is complete a finished message will be displayed on the screen once the catalogue's finished importing.
9. Click the OK button.
10. Close the Import window.
Trader Settings Required
These are the settings required to be set on the Antalis trader card (F9) so that you are able to order down the link to Antalis.
Comms Settings
FTP Server - opxml.antalis.co.uk
Logon - Username supplied from Antalis
Password - Password supplied from Antalis
Supplier Settings (on the trader card under settings)
Catalogue - Select Antalis Catalogue Uploaded on the System
Gin Delay - 3
Lead Time - 1
Options need ticking:
- Enquire
- Allow Back Orders
- Order Using FTP
- Reprice BTB's
- Secure Enquire
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