Horizon Online Support
How do I add/maintain the trader criteria?
Creating a new trader list.
Select the 'New' button next to the drop down box for the Trader criteria in your campaign.
Fill in the 'Campaign Name'; this is normally something relating to what the campaign is for so you are able to identify it easily.
You are then required to enter your selection criteria for your campaign.
Selecting your Trader Selection
This defaults you to your 'Primary' trader selection criteria, this enables you to fill in your criteria for trader selection. This is based on:
- Users – Account Manager set against the Trader.
- Areas – Area set against the Trader.
- Process Types – Process Type set against the Trader.
- Distribution Types – Distribution Type set against the Trader.
- Classifications – Classification set against the Trader.
- Business Types – Business Type set against the Trader.
- Branches – Branch of the Company set against the Trader (Used if Multi-Branched)
- Cost Centres – Company Cost Centre set against the Trader.
- Catalogues – Catalogue that the Trader is distributed against (Catalogue has to be distributed to the Trader for this option to work).
- Post Code¬ – Enables you to search for all Traders in a specific Post Code Area (Works with partial and full Post Codes.)
- Rep – Enables you to search for all Traders with a specific Rep Code.
- Trader Type – Enables you to search for all Sales, Delivery, Lead and Purchase Trader.
- Trader Status – Enables you to select Traders that are Normal, Queried or On Stop.
- Trader Groups – Enables you to select from the Trader Groups you've setup.
You can preview the trader selection from the details you've entered by pressing the 'Preview' button.
You can then define on the 'Contacts' tab the contact selection from the traders that you've selected on the 'Trader' tab. This is based on:
- Limit to Sales Contact Only – If ticked will only show the Contact set as the 'Sales Contact' against the trader, otherwise will show all Contacts.
- Only Contacts with Email Address – If ticked will only show the Contacts with an email address set against them.
- Only Contacts that have allowed Emails – If ticked will only show the Contacts with 'Allow Email' ticked.
- Only Contacts that have allowed Mailshot – If ticked will only show the Contacts with 'Allow Mailshot' ticked.
- Only Contacts that are Web Enabaled – If ticked will only show the Contacts that have 'Web Enabled' ticked.
- Only Contacts that are not Web Enabaled – If ticked will only show the Contacts that do not have 'Web Enabled' ticked.
You can preview the contact selection from the details you've entered by pressing the 'Preview' button.
To then save these details, place a reference into the 'Save As' field, something relating to what the trader selection so you instantly know what the selection is so you know what it is for future use.
Modifying saved trader search criteria inside a campaign.
When in your marketing campaign and you require to modify the trader selection that you want to use. If you select the trader selection from the drop down box and then select the 'Edit' button, this will bring up the trader criteria screen so you can modify the selection.
Modifying saved trader search criteria outside a campaign.
When you're in the Marketing screen, you are able to simply modify trader search criteria without entering your campaign.
To do this you simply have to click on the 'Saved Criteria' option. This will then bring up a box with all your saved criteria in.
To then edit one of your saved criteria, highlight the saved criteria you wish to modify and then select the 'Edit' button, this will bring up the trader criteria screen so you can modify the selection.
Deleting saved trader search criteria.
If you no-longer require a saved criteria in Marketing and wish to delete it so it does come up for selection in a campaign.
In the Marketing screen, select the 'Saved Criteria' option. This will then bring up a box with all your saved criteria in.
To then delete one of your saved criteria, highlight the saved criteria you wish to delete and then select the 'Delete' button.
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