HorizonWeb Online Support
How do I set up the Authorisation Message?
What is entered in this section will over-write any html code put in Horizon in Setup > Web > Authorisation Message.
This Page provides the user with a standard web design editor with both Design and Html code view. The editor provides users with such tools as table creator, changing font types and style and sizes and also for inserting hyperlinks.
Also in order for any of this to work your email settings will need to be setup correctly on the email tab of Company Maintain and the web login must point to a contact with a valid email address.
There are a few keys that you can use in the text to describe the order placed. They are as follows:
@lines@ - the lines of the order.
@salutation@ - the salutation and name of the user who placed the order.
@contact@ - Name of person the order is to be sent to.
@your_ref@ - the reference added to the order.
@our_ref@ - the internal order reference. E.g. SORD0000123
@delivery@ - the address that the order will be delivered to.
@department@ - this will display the main department on the order.
@confirm@ - this will place a link in the message that will log the user in and be directed to the Authorised order awaiting authorization.
@datetime@ - the date and time that the order was placed.
@tradercode@ - Displays the traders code.
@delivery_method@ = Tells the customer if their order is 'Delivery' or 'Collect From Store'.
@authsalutation@ - Gives the salutation of the authoriser.
@authcontact@ - Gives the authorisers name.
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