HorizonWeb Online Support

How do I setup SagePay ?

To setup SagePay for Horizon you need to create an account with SagePay.

When creating your account with SagePay we require the Server SagePay intergration option.

Once this has been setup you need your Vendor Name.

You will need to enter these details into the 'Payment Details' section of the web admin page, To do this login as the admin user and navigate to the following page:

Ensure that the Sagepay option is selected in the payment type and once you have entered the information into here, a Password is not required for sage so leave this field blank.
The 'Mode' field should be set to 'TEST' when first entering your payment details untill you have placed a test order with sage to verify the payments after which you will need change this to 'LIVE'. Once your settings have been entered, click the 'Save' button.

Note: In versions 2.55 and below of HorizonWeb this is not supported and the above information will need to be emailed to: Support@blueskysoft.co.uk in text format.

To view more information on SagePay, visit their website at www.sagepay.com

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