HorizonWeb Online Support

How do Customers return products online?

In the lastest versions of Horizon Web, 2.58 onwards, customers have the ability to return products online.

To activate the online returns functionality, goto the Web Admin Page and activate the 'Enable Online Returns' option found in Global Options under 'SYSTEM'

Once the returns are enabled, a user with access to the accounts section of the web will be able to create a return by doing the following;

  • Goto the Accounts page and select the History section.
  • Click into the order they wish to return an item(s) from.
  • On this screen the user can click the button which will then give them the following options on products available for return, How many to return, the reason for returning and the option to add a note.
  • The user can then fill in the required fields on the lines they are returning and click the button.
  • If the user is not allowed to return the line, they will be given the reason instead of the quantity box.

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