HorizonWeb Online Support

How do i setup order spend limit authorisation?

To setup a customer to have order spend limit authorisation you firstly need to browse to the specific trader and then select the ‘contact’ button.

If you require to select contacts across branches if you browse to settings and yes/no options on the trader you need to set the option ‘Select All Contacts’, this means you don’t have to setup contacts multiple times.

Set the ‘Spend Limit Per Order’ amount for order authorisation, if left as ‘0.00’ all orders will be sent for authorisation.

Then tick the ‘Enable Spend Limit Authorisation’ tick box.

From the ‘Authorisor’ drop down menu, select the customer contact that will receive the order authorisation email.

If you then require a second or more contacts to receive the order authorisation email, place their email address in the ‘Authorisor Email CC’ are separating each address with a semi colon.

Then confirm the settings using the ‘confirm’ button.

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