Horizon Online Support

    3.3 Creating an Action

  1. From with the Action screen press the New Action option.
    This will present you with the following screen to select the trader:

  2. 2. Search for the trader you wish to create the Action for.
    You can search on the following details:
    • Trader Code
    • Trader Name
    • Reference
    • Town
    • Post Code or
    • Telephone Number

    You can also define if you want to specifically look for:
    • Customers
    • Suppliers and/or
    • Leads

  4. Select Next to confirm your Trader selection.
    This will present you with the following screen to select the contact:
  5. Note: you are now able to view all contacts actions when adding a new action. It also allows you to filter those actions on whether they are active or complete,

  6. Select the contact from the list that the Action is for.
    If the contact does not exist you can select New to add a contact onto Horizon.
  7. Select Next to confirm your Contact selection.
    This will present you with the following screen to select the details of the action:

  8. Note: see section 2.1 Login Options on setting default options for Action Subject, Action Reason, Action Type and Action Flag.
    Note: see section 2.2 Security Options to set compulsory Fields.

  9. Fill in the details for the Action.
  10. Select Finish.

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