Horizon Online Support

    2.4.2 Importing Actions

You are able to import actions directly into Horizon.

This is useful for if you want to do a campaign to target specific customers based on Account Review, Issue New Contract, Spend In Decline, Book Appointment.

To Import actions, you need to:

  1. Select Actions from the drop down box
  2. Select Go
  3. Select the .xls formatted file.

    Note: It will now run through import the Actions into Horizon.

  4. 4. Select OK to the popup box once completed importing.

The file to import actions needs to be in the following format:

Column Description Example
A Trade Code BLUESKY
B Contact Name Michael Rawson
C Action Subject Stationery
D Action Reason Customer Service
E Action Type Issue New Contract
F Action Due (Date and Time) 23/04/2012 15:00
G Action Stage Brand New
H Target Date 27/04/2012
I Assigned To Mark Barnes
J Title New Contract
K Priority 99
L Initial Action Note Imported by Nicky Kidd
M Initial Outcome Call Required
N Prevent Popup (True or False) False
O Automatic Flag (True or False) True
P Campaign Name Test
Q Action Flag A

A example file is available at request.

Note: Please be aware that all values inputted into the file need to match those in Horizon.

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