Horizon Online Support

    2.3 Alerts

  • Name
    Description of the Alert.

  • Priority
    If a priority is set, the higher up the list the Alert is displayed.

  • Type
    If a type is set, Logins can be restricted to see this Alert.

  • In Use
    If set the UDF will be seen as in use, otherwise it won t be seen

    Note: It is advised if you no-longer require a UDF to un-mark it as ‘In Use’ because if you need the data in the future it will then still be present in the data.

  • Edit SQL
    • SQL Query
      Allows you to input a SQL query to bring back information you require about the customer.

      Note: When writing the script you need to define what columns you want to bring back. If you are bring back more than one column for the message you need to place them in the order they are to be displayed in the message.

    • Message
      Allows you to create your message to include the information from the SQL script.

      Note: To include the information you need to place {} at each interval.

    • Image
      Allows you to place a Image against the alert.

Example of Alerts:

Example 1
Display Last Order Date

SQL Query:
select max (taxpoint_date) from entry e where entry_type = 'SORD' and e.trader_id =:trader_id

Last Order Date {}

Example 2
Display traders total paper sales value in the last 12 months

SQL Query:

select sum (d.total_goods) from entry e
join detail d on e.entry_id = d.entry_id
join product p on d.product_id = p.product_id
where e.entry_type = 'SINV' and e.age <= 11 and p.range_id = 10

Paper Sales Value £{}.

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