Horizon Online Support

    2.1.2 Contact User Defined Fields (UDF's)

You will now notice an additional tab ‘CRM / Marketing’, with the following options:

  • Name
    Description of the User Defined field

  • Data Type
    • Date
      Allows you to select a date against the UDF
    • Text
      Allows you to enter text against the UDF
    • Number
      Allows you to enter a number against the UDF
    • List
      Allows you to create a list, which then enables you to then select from against the UDF

  • Priority
    If a priority is set, the higher up the list the UDF is displayed

  • Type
    If a type is set, Logins can be restricted to see this UDF

  • Required
    If set the user will be made aware that the field is required, but won’t force them to enter information

  • In Use
    If set the UDF will be seen as in use, otherwise it won t be seen.

    Note: It is advised if you no-longer require a UDF to un-mark it as ‘In Use’ because if you need the data in the future it will then still be present in the data.

  • CRM Campaigns
    Allows the login to view Campaigns.

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