Command Centre Online Support

How do I do a Manual Restore on the Command Centre?

  1. Right click on the Command Centre icon on your task manager and then click restore to bring up the Command Centre.
  2. Click on the ‘Databases’ tab.
  3. Select the database you wish to restore.
  4. Click ‘Restore Now’.
  5. You will then be presented a box to confirm that you’ve selected the correct database to restore.
  6. Click OK if you wish to continue otherwise click on the ‘X’ button to close.
  7. If you’ve clicked OK you will be presented with a search box to select the .ibk file that you wish to update your selected database with.
  8. Once you’ve selected the database you will be presented with a ‘Progess’ window, once the restore is complete the ‘Close’ button will become activated.
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