Horizon Online Support

    VOW Europe - Mailer as a Catalogue Import (VOW Mailer Code Used)

Before you import the catalogue file, please ensure that the layout of the Catalogue file you have received is correct.

The file should be in the following format:

Providing your file matches the details above you can now import your file into Horizon.

  1. Select the VOW Mailer (As Catalogue - VOW Mailer Code Used) from the Import File drop down list.

  2. Select VOW Europe from the Trader drop down list.

  3. Select the VOW Mailer from the Catalogue drop down list.

    Note: If you require importing as a new catalogue, then select New Catalogue from the Type selection.

  4. Fill in the Lookup field for VOW Europe; this is to ensure any new products are linked to their equivalent from other suppliers.

  5. Click on the Search button and locate the Product File.

  6. Click on Load Product File button.

    Note: Once you’ve clicked Load Product File it will start importing the file.
    It will also switch to the Progress tab to display the progression of the import.

  7. Click the OK button to the finished message.

  8. Close the Import window.

Back To Horizon > Import Product Files